CE5 Contact

CE5 Contact

Contact… the final frontier…as the saying goes. You have come this far and found this post for a reason. There is something inside of you wanting to get out…an inner knowingness that we are not alone, and never have been alone. While this post will...
The Awakening – Part I

The Awakening – Part I

I originally wrote about this back in august 2019 while fresh in my memory. Since then my old website went offline, and I didnt have a backup. I will try to remember as much as possible from that night and explain through a multi-part series of posts… August...


 Sometimes the universe / spirit guides / angels all try to tell us something…over and over until eventually we receive the message. The messages can come in very different forms, such as music, numbers, clocks, car license plates, receipts, bill-boards, tv...